半古 / 懸想文

SKU: C13305
年代 : 明治34年
サイズ : 口絵(約 22 × 28 cm)
刷 : 良
保存 : 良
詳細 : 中折

梶田半古(1870-1917)は、主に明治時代から大正時代に活動した日本画家である。半古は幼い頃より家計を支えるべく輸出品の団扇に絵を描き、その後石井鼎湖(いしい ていこ)の弟子をしながらも家族を養うために工芸品の下絵も描くなど、図案の仕事を継続してこなしていたようだ。そのような仕事の継続は挿絵や口絵の上での安定した描写力を支え、尾崎紅葉の『金色夜叉』、小杉天外『魔風恋風』など、本にまつわる仕事は膨大な数に及んだ。また、流行をよく捉えた半古の女学生は当時女性達にも評判であったという。

Date : 1901
Size : Kuchi-e (approx. 22 × 28 cm)
Impression : Good
Condition : Good
Detail : Centerfold

Kajita Hanko (1870-1917) was a Japanese-style painter active mainly during the Meiji and Taisho periods. From an early age, Hanko painted on export fans to support his family, and later, while apprenticing under Ishii Teiko, he continued to work on designs for crafts to support his family. Such continuous work helped his stable descriptive ability in illustrations for books and Kuchi-e, and he had a large number of book-related works, such as "金色夜叉" by Ozaki Koyo and "魔風恋風" by Kosugi Tengai. In addition, Hanko's paintings of schoolgirls, which captured the latest fashions, were well-received by women at the time.