国政四代 / 盲長屋梅加賀鳶

SKU: C25143
タグ: 刺青   火消  
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年代 : 明治19年
サイズ : 大判3枚続
刷 : 良
保存 : 優良
詳細 : -

『盲長屋梅加賀鳶(めくらながや うめが かがとび)』は黙阿弥が五代目尾上菊五郎のために書いた、明治期の江戸生世話物狂言の傑作として知られる。加賀藩前田家お抱えの火消、加賀鳶と定火消し(じょうびけし)との間の喧嘩を描いた演目で、本作では本郷界隈の人々が木戸を閉め切って怯える中、血気盛んな若い鳶たちが勢揃いする迫力ある一場面が描かれている。まさに一触触発の状態の中、親分の梅吉と兄貴分の松蔵が粋に若い衆を説得し、事を収める見せ場だ。



Date : 1886
Size : O-ban / Triptych
Impression : Good
Condition : Very good
Detail : -

"Mekura Nagaya Umega Katobi (盲長屋梅加賀鳶)" was written by Mokuami for Onoe Kikugoro and is known as a masterpiece of 'Edo Kizewamono,' Edo-style Plays depicting the life of the townspeople of the time, produced in the Meiji period.
The story of the play is a fight between the Kaga-tobi, the fireman in the service of the Maeda family of the Kaga clan, and the Jobikeshi, the town fireman. This work depicts a powerful scene in which the young, hot-blooded steeplejacks gather for a fight. In this scene, master Umekichi and Matsuzo tactfully persuade the young men to settle the matter.

KunimasaⅣ is one of the pupils of ToyokuniⅢ.
After ToyokuniⅢ's death, he learned the painting from KunisadaⅡ, and later, he took over Kunisada's name, Kochoro. Finally, after 1889, he changed his name again to Hosai.
He mainly painted Kaika-e, Yakusha-e, and specialized in portraits of Ichikawa Sadanji I. He also painted many genre paintings.

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