春信 / 風流艶色まねゑもん 七

SKU: C26002
価格 ¥240,000
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年代 : 明和7年
サイズ : 中判
刷 : 優良
保存 : 良
詳細 : 端折 / 中折 / 小虫穴

(参考: 学習院大学大学院人文科学研究科美術史専攻 Web Library「浮世絵の構造」(著者: 小林 忠))



Date : 1770
Size : Chu-ban
Impression : Very good
Condition : Good
Detail : Side fold / Centerfold / Small wormholes

In the series "Furyu Enshoku Maneemon," Maneemon, who has become as small as a bean after taking herb medicine, takes his body to peek at various regions' amorous activities. The depiction of the bean man is a well-established genre of Shunga, and this is not Harunobu's first attempt. However, Harunobu's elegant depiction was well received and has become a representative work of his Shunga.

Suzuki Harunobu was an innovator, the first to produce full-color prints in 1765, rendering obsolete the former modes of two- and three-color prints. Harunobu used many special techniques and depicted various subjects, from classical poems to contemporary beauties. Like many artists of his day, Harunobu also produced a lot of shunga. During his lifetime and shortly afterward, many artists imitated his style.

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