国貞 / 花鳥余情 吾妻源氏

SKU: C26028
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年代 : 天保8年頃
サイズ : 25.4 × 18.7 cm
刷 : 優良
保存 : 良
詳細 : 3冊揃 / 少汚れ / 天地人の内「人」のマージンに小虫穴 / *猫の図

国貞の「花鳥余情 吾妻源氏(かちょうよじょう あづまげんじ)」「艶紫娯拾餘帖(えんしごじゅうよじょう)」「正寫相生源氏(しょううつし あいおいげんじ)」の三作品は、源氏物語に取材した春画として「三源氏」と呼ばれ、その豪華な色使いや摺の技術が結集されたクオリティの高さから、多色摺木版画の頂点と評価されている。



Date : c. 1837
Size : 25.4 × 18.7 cm
Impression : Very good
Condition : Good
Detail : Complete set of 3 books / Slight browning / Small wormholes on the margin of vol. 'Jin' / *Cat

Kunisada's "Kachoyojo Azuma Genji," "Enshigojuyojo," and "Shoutsushi Aioi Genji" are three works inspired by The Tale of Genji, known as three masterpieces among erotic pictures inspired by The Tale of Genji, showcasing their lavish use of color and printing techniques. They are highly regarded as the pinnacle of polychrome woodblock prints due to their high quality.

Kunisada (1786-1865), also known as Toyokuni III, stood out as the most popular, prolific, and commercially successful artist of ukiyo-e woodblock prints in 19th-century Japan. During his lifetime, his fame surpassed that of his contemporaries such as Hokusai, Hiroshige, and Kuniyoshi.
From his debut in the world of Ukiyo-e at the age of 22 until his passing at 79, Kunisada captured "all aspects of Edo culture," ranging from Kabuki performances to scenes from Yoshiwara, as well as various cultural practices of the time. This extensive portrayal solidifies his position as one of the most influential Ukiyo-e artists in history.

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