豊国三代 / 役者東海道 庄野 中野藤兵衛

SKU: C26065
タグ: 雨景  
価格 ¥25,000
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年代 : 嘉永5年
サイズ : 大判
刷 : 良
保存 : 良
詳細 : 少汚れ

豊国三代晩年の「役者東海道」は当初55枚で終わる予定が、好評のため続編、間の宿や2枚続きなどが追加され、目録を含め全140枚の大作となった。当時人気の役者を各宿場に因んだ物語や風俗に見立て描いている。背景は広重 の「東海道五拾三次」を基に描かれ、当時の人々は地名と人物の見立を解いて楽しんだと考えられる。



Date : 1852
Size : O-ban
Impression : Good
Condition : Good
Detail : Slight browning

The "Yakusha Tokaido" (Actors at the 53 Stations of the Tokaido) of Toyokuni III's last years was originally planned to be completed in 55 sheets, but due to its popularity, a sequel, a station between stations, and a continuation of two sheets were added, making a total of 140 sheets, including the catalog. The popular actors of the time were depicted in the form of stories and customs associated with the various stations. The backgrounds are based on Hiroshige's "The 53 Stations of the Tōkaidō," and it is thought that the people of the time enjoyed the process of deciphering the names of places and the characters.

ToyokuniⅢ was a student of Toyokuni. He first took the name Kunisada, and in 1844 he took the name ToyokuniⅡ. (In fact, Toyoshige had already succeeded ToyokuniⅡ, but ToyokuniⅢ also took the name of Toyokuni Ⅱ at that time, perhaps intending to make himself more suitable. Today, He is treated as the third generation to distinguish between them.)
ToyokuniⅢ had a long period of painting, and some articles thought he produced more than 10,000 works. He was primarily known for depicting people, including portraits of actors and beautiful women. His number of works and popularity suggest that he dominated the Edo Ukiyoe world.

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