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年代 : 明治26年
サイズ : 大判3枚続
刷 : 良
保存 : 良
詳細 : 少汚れ
琵琶法師 石坂検校(いしざか けんぎょう)の語る平家物語に涙を流す、上杉謙信を描いた作品である。上杉謙信はその理由を聞かれると、「我が国の武徳も衰えたものだ。源義家の時代には、弓弦を鳴らしただけで鵺は消え失せたというのに、その46年後の源頼政の時代には二人がかりでやっと射止めるほどに衰えてしまった。自分は頼政にも遠く及ばぬのだと思うと、思わず涙がこぼれるのだ。」と答えたという。
芳年(天保10 - 明治25年)は、幕末から明治前期にかけて活動した浮世絵師。
Date : 1893
Size : O-ban / Triptych
Impression : Good
Condition : Good
Detail : Slight browning
Biwa Hoshi Ishizaka Kengyo who singing and narrating the Tale of the Heike and Uesugi Kenshin shedding tears. When asked for the reason, Uesugi Kenshin replied, 'Even our country's martial virtue has declined. In the time of Minamoto no Yoshiie, it is said that merely plucking the bowstring could make a 'Nue' vanish. (Note: a 'Nue' is a mythical creature resembling a chimera in Japanese folklore, often depicted as a mixture of different animals such as a monkey's head, a tanuki's body, a tiger's limbs, and a snake's tail)
Yet in the era of Minamoto no Yorimasa, 46 years later, it has deteriorated to the point where it takes two people just to shoot it down.
When I think that I am not even comparable to Yorimasa, tears flow involuntarily.'
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (1839 - 92) was a Ukiyo-e artist who was active from the end of the Tokugawa shogunate to the Meiji era.
He created various artworks, and we can see his unique expression styles in each genre of the works.
He was one of the most essential and famous Ukiyo-e artists in the Meiji era and had many pupils who became famous in the Japanese and Western fields. Sometimes, he is called "The last Ukiyo-e artist."
Many writers also loved him, such as Tanizaki Junichiro, Mishima Yukio, and Edogawa Ranpo. Moreover, the beautiful and fascinating artworks that were kept creating even though he was in a mental disorder enthralled people worldwide.
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