高橋 松亭(弘明)/ 五月雨

SKU: C26177
タグ: 雨景  
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年代 : 大正13 - 昭和2年
サイズ : 中判
刷 : 優良
保存 : 優良
詳細 : -



Date : 1924 - 27
Size : Chu-ban
Impression : Very good
Condition : Very good
Detail : -

When Watanabe Shozaburo founded his publishing company, he first asked Takahashi Shotei to create a design for Shinhanga, the new wave of Ukiyo-e. These prints became very popular overseas, and their popularity became the basis for the creation of the later well-known Shinhanga prints.

This work belongs to the "Shinsaku Hanga" by the Watanabe publisher This is different from "Shinhanga" prints: Shinsaku Hanga are based on paintings and made into prints, and "Shinhanga" prints are made for printmaking, according to the book.
After that, they produced more than 500 new prints, but both woodblocks and prints were destroyed by fire in the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, so they were carefully recreated after the disaster.
This work is not a reprint, but a newly planned and produced work after the earthquake.

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