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年代 : 文化12 - 天保13年
サイズ : 大判
刷 : 良
保存 : 良
詳細 : -
Date : 1815 - 42
Size : O-ban
Impression : Good
Condition : Good
Detail : -
""菅原伝授手習鑑 / The Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami"" is a puppet theater and Kabuki play depicting events surrounding the downfall of Sugawara no Michizane, including his associates and related incidents. This work vividly portrays famous scenes from the play with dynamic horizontal compositions.
Sadahide is a disciple of Kunisada.
He left behind numerous high-quality works, including Bijin-ga (pictures of beautiful women), Yakusha-e (actor prints), Yokohama-e (pictures of Yokohama), and Kaika-e (pictures depicting Westernization). However, his most notable contributions are his bird's-eye-view works. With a keen interest in geography, He traveled extensively to various locations to create his works.
Shopping Guide & Information of the Japanese Prints"