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年代 : 明治30年
サイズ : 大判3枚続
刷 : 優良
保存 : 優良
詳細 : -
Date : 1897
Size : O-ban / Triptych
Impression : Very good
Condition : Very good
Detail : -
The "Ancient Patterns" series was created after the success of the "Flower Patterns" series published in the same year but was discontinued after only three works due to unpopularity.
The series featured customs and beautiful women from various periods of the Edo period, and the large portrait and beautiful kimono patterns on the continuity of three O-ban sheets are impressive.
Kiyochika (1847 - 1915) was called "Hiroshige in Meiji" and was one of the most famous Ukiyo-e artists in Meiji-Era.
Until his debut, Ukiyo-e artists generally unused the expression of light and shadow. However, Kiyochika liked and studied that new expression. As a result, his artworks blew a new wind towards the Ukiyo-e field in Meiji.
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