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年代 : 昭和10年
サイズ : 48.5 × 38.3 cm
刷 : 優良
保存 : 良
詳細 : 校合摺とのセット
Date : 1935
Size : 48.5 × 38.3 cm
Impression : Very good
Condition : Good
Detail : Set with Key-block Outlines print
This piece is one of the most famous of the modern prints of beautiful women. The ten images of it were selected from numerous nude sketches.
Unfortunately, some of the woodblocks were destroyed by the police for corrupting public morals, but the surviving woodblocks were passed into Matsuzaki Keizaburo's hands, and he produced other editions after Toraji's death.
Toraji Ishikawa studied Western-style painting with Hiroshi Yoshida and others at Shotaro Koyama's private painting school called Fudosha and exhibited "Wild Duck" for the first time at the 5th Meiji Art Association Exhibition in 1893.
He also exhibited his works at the Paris Exposition in 1903. He continued to exhibit many works at the Bunten, Teiten, Shin Bunten, and Nitten exhibitions, and later served as a committee member, inspector, and judge to guide future generations.
Around 1934, he began to produce new prints, with "Ten Types of Nude Women" becoming his masterpiece.
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