関野準一郎 他 / 日本民俗図譜

SKU: C27267
タグ: 雪景  
価格 ¥150,000
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年代 : 昭和21年
サイズ : 33 × 26.2 cm(紙ホルダーサイズ)
詳細 : 全12図+目次 揃 / タトウ付 / ヤケ



Date : 1946
Size : 33 × 26.2 cm (Paper folder size)
Detail : Complete set of 12 prints and contents / With original case / Soiling

This is a collection of 12 prints by 10 artists, including Azechi Umetaro, Saito Kiyoshi, Sekino Junichiro, Maekawa Senpan, Kawanishi Hide, Wakayama Yasoji, Yamaguchi Gen, Mori Doshun, Maeda Masao, and Kuroki Sadao, with a catalog of their works as a “The Collection of self-carving by the members of the Japan Print Association. As the title “Japanese Folk Art Collection” suggests, the collection depicts the distinctive customs and manners of various regions of Japan.

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