広重 / 名所江戸百景 五百羅漢 さざえ堂

SKU: C23020
タグ: 名所江戸百景  
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年代 : 安政4年
サイズ : 大判
刷 : 良
保存 : 良
詳細 : 綴穴補修

江戸名所のひとつである「天恩山 五百羅漢寺」は、本所五ツ目(現在の江東区大島3丁目付近)にあった。「さざえ堂」は三層のお堂で、そこから富士山を眺望することができ、多くの人で賑わった。



Date : 1857
Size : O-ban
Impression : Good
Condition : Good
Detail : Restored binding holes

Tenonzan Gohyaku Rakanji Temple, located in Honjo-itsutsume (near present-day Ojima 3-chome, Koto-ku) was one of the most famous places in Edo.
There was a three-tiered spiral-shaped hall called "Sazae-do”. Many people came to view Mt. Fuji from there.

The hit series of Ukiyo-e "One Hundred Famous Views of Edo", first published from 1856-1859, including several of the Ukiyo-e masterpieces by Hiroshige. Hiroshige began this project at the age of sixty, and in it, captured many charming scenes of the Edo era through very original, vertically-arranged compositions. Though he intended to create 100 images in the beginning, the overwhelming popularity of this series led the artist to produce a total of 118 prints over 3 years.

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