栄之 / 玉屋山三郎内

SKU: C28004
価格 ¥1,400,000
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年代 : -
サイズ : 大判
刷 : 良
保存 : 良
詳細 : 少汚れ / 小虫穴補修




Date : -
Size : O-ban
Impression : Good
Condition : Good
Detail : Slight browning / Restored small wormholes

Eishi first studied under Kanō Takanobu and later under Bunryūsai. He began working as an ukiyo-e artist around the late Tenmei period. Initially, his works, including bijin-ga (portraits of beautiful women), were strongly influenced by Kiyonaga. However, by the Kansei period, Eishi had established his own distinctive style of serene and elegant bijin-ga.

He particularly developed a unique approach to depicting full-length portraits of women, creating numerous prints in the late Kansei period that featured graceful figures with elongated proportions, often described as having twelve-head-high proportions. His delicate and refined linework captured the slender and elegant stature of his female subjects, idealizing the women of the pleasure quarters. Compared to Kiyonaga, his figures were slimmer, and unlike Utamaro, his works lacked an overt sensuality. Instead, he cultivated a distinctive style characterized by quiet and refined beauty.

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